July 20, 2010

It's my Rez Day!!! :D *dances*


Lots of stuff going on, which has actually been just a tad more dispersed than it seems in this one post... but I'm slack at blogging so I'll just say very little... let the pics speak for themselves & hook you up with the relevant links... sound good?

First up: SALE! *look up for details* YES! very exciting, go there! :D Why? OMG! It's my 4th Rez Day! [Studio Sidhe]

It's also the 4th Rez Day of Flippa Stella! We met on Help Island back in the day!!! We decided to plant a tree & a plaque to commemorate... you can find both on our sim, Moonsong. You can read how it all came to be here.

I made possibly the cutest thing I've ever made... it balances on the knife edge between YAY & way to cute please to pass me the bucket... BUT! I love it! and apparently so do other people... cause they're blogging it (WOOT!) aaaaand you can get your very own LadyBug Painting pose prop for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE as part of the ProPoser Hunt .

Lastly! LOL NEW GROUP GIFT!!!! Faery Dust tattoo layer... full body & face (you'll need V2 or Emerald to see it) :D Just join the Studio Sidhe in world group and grab it from the main store.

Until next time... enjoy!


Studio Sidhe

RL art in SL. Fashion for your second life... Wear your art!