November 05, 2009

New Poses & Sale @ Studio Sidhe!

Hi everyone,

Above is the new model pose set that I have released, it's called "Feisty", a name suggested by Isle Lunasea when I did a shout out in plurk for a name for this set... Thanks Isle :)

Poses are available in world in the set or individually at Studio Sidhe main store.

In other news...

We're having a SALE! yup I know, a sale is a rare, rare thing at Studio Sidhe, I think I've had maybe 3 in the 3 years we've been on the grid? if that.

It's a store card sale, mainly cause I only just got home from work, saw Acha's post and went YES! and simply do not have the time or energy atm to reprice all my vendors... I have a few LOL

So how does it work?

Buy a Store card BEFORE you start shopping:

Get a $1000L store card for $500L
Get a $500L store card for $250L
Get a $300L store card for $150L
Get a $100L store card for $50L

BUT SAVE MORE *IF* YOU'RE IN THE STUDIO SIDHE IN WORLD GROUP!!! Just wear your tag when you buy a store card and get:

$1000L store card for $450L
$500L store card for $220L
$300L store card for $130L
$100L store card for $40L

So that's it from me, doing my bit to promote good sense... Help support content creators through shopping only at their stores, by keeping an eye out for the creators you love, if you see dodgy stuff going on with their stuff... tell them. Education & awareness is the way, boycotting creators stores for two days only hurts those creators.

Take care, and Enjoy the sale... ends on the 7th!!! :D



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Studio Sidhe

RL art in SL. Fashion for your second life... Wear your art!